The Type 206 is a class of diesel-electric submarines (U-boats) develepoed in Germany. Its design is based in the preceding Type 205 submarine class. These small and agile submarines were built during the Cold War to operate in the shallow Baltic Sea.
Paper Model contains 8 pages including:
- Cover page,
- 2 pages of historical and technical information,
- 2 pages of assembly instruction drawings (in total 11 assembly drawings + wire templates),
- 2 pages of Parts (166 basic elements and 9 alternative elements ) in vector format, including: internal formers (frames), display stand, etc..
- Model kit allows to build one of the submarines of German Navy:
- U15
- U17
- U18
- U24
Used vector format of parts also allows to scale the model (for instance to 1:250 or 1:100 scale) without losing quality of print.
Degree of difficulty: 2/5
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