Designed by J.R. McClintock, in the embattled Southern city of New Orleans during the American Civil War. Intended to carry a crew of two, the Pioneer was man-powered, with one of the crew providing motive force by hand-cranking the screw propellor, while the other steered. Pioneer would attack by fastening its square “torpedo” (in modern terms, more of a limpet mine), carried atop the hull, to a target vessel, activating a clockwork detonation mechanism, then making its escape. Pioneer was granted a letter of marque to operate as a privateer of the Confederacy, but was scuttled in Bayou St. John in 1862, to prevent capture by Federal forces in the New Orleans area without ever carrying out an operational sortie. Pioneer was raided after the war and is exhibited today in the Lousiana State Museum.
Heinkel’s detailed paper model of the Pioneer includes a display cradle, and the option to make the control compartment and “drive crank” visible.
Paper Model Details: approximately 197 parts on 12 pages, with 18 diagrams and four wire templates. Optional parts for visible interior, clear conning windows, and rivet detail (816 paper rivets!).
Degree of Difficulty: 5/5
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