This repaint bundle of the Scissors and Planes kit by Gerry Paper Models contains five kits of the Messerschmitt Me-262 fighter versions.
Each kit contains parts to make both a 1/72 and a 1/100 scale model.
This bundle offers a savings of $2.50.
The versions contained in this bundle are as follows:
Messerschmitt Me-262A-1a (Luftwaffe, Kommando Nowotny, Maj. Walter Nowotny, Achmer AB, November 1944)
Messerschmitt Me-262A-1a (Luftwaffe, ISS 1, Lechfeld AB, January 1945)
Messerschmitt Me-262A-1a (Luftwaffe, 3-JG7, Oblt. Walter Schuck, Stendal AB, April 1945)
Messerschmitt Me-262A-1a (Luftwaffe, JV 44, Münich-Riem AB. April 1945)
Messerschmitt Me-262A-1a/U4 (Luftwaffe, JV 44, Maj. Willi Herget, April 1945)
J.R (verified owner) –
Great Model, Only Issue is 2 White Pieces are nondescript and lack any information on where they go. I assumed they go with the middle section of the fuselage.