This model features a 1/16 scale Mk.5.1 version as operated by the British Army 4th Royal Tank Regiment
operating in Berlin, Germany in the early 1960s.
The model can also be built as a retrofitted Mk.5.2 variant.
Both 20pdr (86mm) and L7 105mm Guns are included in the kit.
Alternate Name (badges) and Serial Numbers are also provided, as well as alternate Squadron markings.
The kit contains over 2200 parts on 60 printable pages (some pages require multiple printings).
Also: 15 pages of detailed assembly instructions and diagrams.
And Full colour cover and Information Pages.
Pages are A4 and Letter Size print compatible.
The model features a complete Drivers compartment interior, Turret interior and fully detailed Engine and Drivetrain compartments, removable Engine hatches, operating personnel hatches, rotating Turret and elevating main gun.
Track is scale 3D and partially articulated.
Final assembled model is 24″ long, 8″ tall.
See more photos of this model (in Canadian Army livery) at (copy and paste)
Skill level 4/5
This model was previously issued at ecardmodels.
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